As we have already announce a few weeks ago, HDA | Hugh Dutton Associés is part of the design team led by Heerim Architects & Planners that won first prize for the design competition of PASSENGER TERMINAL 2 for the Incheon Int. Airport.
You can find below the press-kit material, both in English and French.
If you want to download the entire press-kit in a unique ZIP file, please follow the links below using the following:
username: complexitys
password: HDAparis1
Incheon Airport Competition | PRESS-KIT | English
Incheon Airport Competition | PRESS-KIT | French
Incheon Airport Competition _ PRESS-KIT-TEXT _ English
online casino normal; -x-system-font: none; display: block; text-decoration: underline; »>Incheon Airport Competition _ PRESS-KIT-TEXT _ French
INCHEON_03_HDA Design Report
You can also download high-resolution version of images above at
Design credits:
Main Architects: Heerim Architects & Planners (Seoul) teamed up with Mooyoung Architects and Engineer (Seoul) and Gensler (Los Angeles)
Structural design and envelope: HDA | Hugh Dutton Associés (Paris)
Engineers: Thornton Tomasetti (New York)
Consultants: IBE Consulting Engineers, Landrum and Brown, Lea Elliott, Sap Group, BNP Associates
If you want to download the entire press-kit in a unique ZIP file, please follow the links below using the following:
username: complexitys
password: HDAparis1
Incheon Airport Competition | PRESS-KIT | English
Incheon Airport Competition | PRESS-KIT | French
Incheon Airport Competition | Press-Kit
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[…] per una collaborazione in studio, ho organizzato la campagna di comunicazione per il progetto di un aeroporto, ho scritto un codice per automatizzare un disegno di geometrie complesse (architettura […]
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