In the past 20 years, the communications revolution produced by the Internet substantially affected the way we interact with the world. This has driven us to a change of perception in the traditionally recognized opposition between real and virtual. Nowadays, a new paradigm is actually re-drawing reality as a complex system of relations between layers as « face » (physical) and virtual. Architects and urban planners can no longer ignore this new reality generated by ubiquitous computer technologies that we have translated to the reconfiguration of physical space in urban areas, with the term « hybrid public spaces ».
How would Piero della Francesca paint his « Città Ideale » if he was living today?
The image above has been originally published in this post (in Spanish) about public spaces, social network and digital identities.
More about relationship between city and technologies here.
You can also take a look at URBAN APERTURE(S) >< POROSITY AS A NEW MODEL FOR HYBRID PUBLIC SPACE paper that we’ll present on April 15th in Milan at URBAN HYBRIDIZATION Conference.
How would look like the ideal city of today?
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[…] et avec un forte empreinte écologique, se situe dans le terrain de recherche qui considéré les nouvelles technologie comme un puissant outil capable de résoudre la complexité des nos habitats contemporain. Quelque […]