Universal Joint (Jonathan Chertok) presented the results of his ongoing research at the poster session of Advances in Architectural Geometry 2012 Conference held at Centre Pompidou Center in Paris in collaboration with Aurelien Lemonier, Curator of Architecture Department at MNM-CCi and the Ecole Nationale Superieure d »Architecture Paris-Malaquais. This work is the result of a hybrid design build practice based out of Austin, Texas and the research began in 1998 with a project that involved the digital recreation of a classical mathematical model collection housed in Goettingen, Germany.
For this recent research we have focused upon pre-rationalized methods for architectural form creation that are made possible by developments in scripting and discrete differential geometry (or so-called « architectural geometry »). For a poster preview go to formpig.com. We will update this link with more details shortly. The research was completed with the collaboration of Yoann Mescam (systemiq.eu).
Poster Abstract: « presented is independent architectural research resulting in two new mechanical methods for the creation of two sets of pre-rationalized formal typologies for architectural scale forms. detailed are two new and unique scripted form generators which were utilized in order create a global typology of shapes that require simply trivial discretization in order to online casino be considered « construction-ready ». this methodology is achieved by creating a kind of kinematic chain (or « architectural diagram ») which results in structures with numerous cost and construction efficiencies as an inherent part of their geometric form. these mechanical methods bridge the gap between the artistic world of « arbitrary » architectural form creation and the requisite, but designer-opaque, mathematical methods for post-rationalizing these forms. »
– Jonathan
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For more on the classical mathematical model recreations see formpig.com