by HDA Paris

We are glad to announce that the 1/10 model (6 meters height!) of our pylon GERMOGLI will be exhibited at Triennale di Milano within the exhibition « Architecture from the World. Infrastructures, Mobility, New Landscapes. »

The exhibition investigates the relationship between architecture, engineering and their capacity to transform the world with particular focus on the sustainability of contemporary infrastructures.

Nel Novecento le infrastrutture hanno cambiato il mondo e hanno permesso la mobilità delle persone e delle merci in modi e tempi inaspettati. Oggi e sempre più in futuro gli interventi nel campo delle infrastrutture sono opportunità di trasformazione in un mondo sempre più consapevole dei limiti che lo sviluppo deve avere nei confronti dell’ambiente. La mostra affronta il rapporto tra architettura, ingegneria e infrastrutture dal Novecento a oggi con uno sguardo internazionale e una riflessione sull’Italia.
more info: triennale.org

ABOVE: Silvano Zorzi, viadotto sul torrente Teccio, A6 Torino-Savona
SOURCE: triennale.org

ABOVE: New York High Line, photo: Timothy Schenck
SOURCE: triennale.org

ABOVE: source triennale.org

L’architettura del Mondo.
Infrastrutture, mobilità, nuovi paesaggi
9th October 2012 – 10th February 2013
Triennale di Milano
Viale Alemagna 6
20121 Milano
T. +39 02 724341

Our pylons design GERMOGLI is the winning proposal of « Pylons of the future », an international design competition held by Terna S.p.A. Terna is leading energy transmission grid operator, the first independent operator in Europe and the seventh in the world for kilometers of lines managed, with over 63,000 km of HV lines throughout the Italian territory.
The inspiring philosophy of the contest « Pylons of the future » was to combine innovation, technology, design and environmental respect for sustainably developing the transmission grid. The idea of the contest is part of the sustainable development strategy pursued by Terna that is based on planning and developing the electricity grid to meet the needs of the electricity system while also protecting the environment and respecting the territory.

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1 comment

“UNE LIGNE QUI DANSE AVEC LA NATURE” POUR LE PROJET AVELIN-GRAVELLE | complexitys 18 octobre 2012 - 10 h 00 min

[…] Comme annoncé il y a environ un mois, Hugh Dutton Associés [architectes-designers] en collaboration avec Gritech [ingénieurs] representent une des trois équipes pré-sélectionnées dans le concours pour un nouveau design de ligne aérienne de transport d’électricité lancé par RTE (Réseau de transport d’électricité).  L’image ci-dessous est le premier dessin que nous rendons public, dans un but de transparence envers notre communauté et pour tracer une continuité avec notre projet de “pylônes du futur” que nous realisons en ce moment sur le territoire italien [ projet exposé actuellemnt à la Triennale de Milan ]. […]


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