Home InspirationArt MAKING SPACE by sculptor Antony Gormley

MAKING SPACE by sculptor Antony Gormley

by HDA Paris

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« I’m going to tell you about why I became a sculptor, and you may think that sculptors, well, they deal with meta, they deal with objects, they deal with bodies, but I think, really, what I care about most is making space, and that’s what I’ve called this talk: Making Space. Space that exists within us, and without us. »

This is a quote by Antony Gormley taken from a TED talk below that  Hugh Dutton suggested me a few days ago while we were discussing about art, architecture and space in our monthly meeting for brainstorming and communication. I am a fan of TED talks and we often use them at Hugh Dutton Associates as a source of inspiration and I think this is one of the most inspiring I’ve ever seen. The artist explains his works exploring the relations between the interior space we feel within our own bodies and the exterior space we feel around us.
15 minutes video. Very touching. Highly recommended.

From the website of the artist – www.antonygormley.com :
« In a career spanning nearly 40 years, Antony Gormley has made sculpture that explores the relation of the human body to space at large, explicitly in large-scale installations like ANOTHER PLACE, DOMAIN FIELD and INSIDE AUSTRALIA and implicitly in works such as CLEARING, BREATHING ROOM and BLIND LIGHT (header photo via The Guardian), where the work becomes a frame through which the viewer becomes the viewed. By using his own existence as a test ground, Gormley’s work transforms a site of subjective experience into one of collective projection. Increasingly, the artist has taken his practice beyond the gallery, engaging the public in active participation, as in CLAY AND THE COLLECTIVE BODY (Helsinki) and the acclaimed ONE & OTHER commission in London’s Trafalgar Square. »
Below are some other works of the sculptor.

ABOVE : « Capacitor » by Antony Gormley / Image Source


ABOVE : « Alan Watts » by Antony Gormley / Image Source


ABOVE : « Aperture » by Antony Gormley / Image Source


ABOVE : « Another Singularity » by Antony Gormley / Image Source

Visit www.antonygormley.com for more.

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