We have previously announced on this blog the ADVANCES IN ARCHITECTURAL GEOMETRY Symposium that will be held in Paris from the 27 to 30th of September 2012 with the support of the Centre Pompidou. If you are interested in complex geometry and the relationship between forms and architecture, we invite you to have a look to the workshops of the symposium here.
One of the workshop is directed by Waagner-Biro, the firm that worked with us to realize the impressive free-form surface of the Cour Visconti in the Louvre in Paris. The workshop includes a visit of the recently completed roof with the participants. Please find below more details about the workshop.
WORKSHOP 4: Materializing the Louvre Cour Visconti – Paris by Bernhard Blaschitz, Udo Ribbe, Benjamin Schneider (Waagner-Biro)
Topic: The workshop will illustrate the workflow from architectural concept to execution, resolving the process into comprehensible steps using the example of the recently completed roof of the Louvre Cour Visconti. We will pick up the thread from a continuous smooth design surface which has been panelized with planar faces and develop the necessary multilayer offsets. The focus will be on methodology for designing construction details in respect to the local geometry and whilst considering its effects on the overall geometry.
The first part of the workshop will at Ecole Malaquais. In the afternoon : visit of the recently completed roof in the Cour Visconti of the Louvre with the participants.
Learning: The participants will learn to add structural depth to freeform surfaces and to understand the dependencies of different components or layers which build up the final structure. It is necessary to consider fabrication constraints, maintenance issues and the specific facade performance defined by the client. So let us add materiality to the given wireframe!
1 day offsite workshop on Saturday for 20 people max
> aag12.architecturalgeometry.at
Materializing the Louvre Cour Visconti – AAG 2012 WORKSHOP
[…] remind that one of the workshop focus on the work of the Cour Visconti in the Louvre in Paris in which we worked as specialist consultants for facades and roof structures. IMAGE ABOVE […]
[…] tomorrow at École nationale supérieure d’architecture Paris-Malaquais for the workshop Materializing the Louvre Cour Visconti – Advanced Architectural Geometry 2012 directed by Waagner […]
Thank you Elmediat That is a really cool cielpommnt I was not aware that I was trying to make any kind of conscious statement. I don’t think I am anywhere close to that level, but I greatly appreciate that others will see more into things than I possibly could and kindly point them out to me