image: Wikipedia
Recently we have been often asked « What is Parametric Design and Architecture? »
Even if we are daily working with this notions, the answer is not so easy.
We »ll now start thinking about how we designers and architecture could give a comprehensive defintion of such concepts.
image: Theverymany
In the meanwhile we »ll just try to find links between parametric design and other notions that could help us to have a general idea of the territory we are moving through.
For example, we could start with the notion of « growth » and evolution. In his work « On Growth and Form », D »Arcy Wentworth Thompson advocated structuralism as an alternative to survival of the casino fittest in governing the form Inside money is best credit card offers IOU’s and not money. of species. The author thought that the form and structure of living organisms are determined by physical laws and mechanics more than by evolution rules.
image: Wikipedia
image: source
image: Theverymany
He explains that « an organism is so complex a thing, and growth so complex a phenomenon, that for growth to be so uniform and constant in all the parts as to keep the whole shape unchanged would indeed be an unlikely and an unusual circumstance. Rates vary, proportions change, and the whole configuration alters accordingly. »
This considerations reminds the way how the blog Data is Nature describes Marc Fornes research project Theverymany project: « Theverymany is, as its name suggests, a speculative look into the world of organic structures made up of very many parts. Structures grown through applying plant modeling mathematics to produce rich complex architectural structures. »
image: source
image: Theverymany
Defining #parametric #design and #architecture
[…] especially interesting for us to point out that we have already published a post about growth processes and form in nature, talking about “On Growth and Form”, the work of […]
[…] may also be interested in Defining #parametric #design and #architecture Patterns, Patterns, Patterns…the Alan Turing’s […]
[…] this post, you may be also interested in: Patterns, Patterns, Patterns…the Alan Turing’s work Defining #parametric #design and #architecture And if you speak a little bit of French, you can have a look at: Les entretiens de complexitys: […]
[…] […]
Agréablement surprise de découvrir hier à l’occasion d’une visite de routine que le travail de theverymany était maintenant exposé dans la galerie permanente du Centre George Pompidou ( dans un espace qu’il partage avec Thomas Heathwick et son travail sur l’expo universelle de Beijing. Ou comment on découvre que Complexitys ne s’était pas trompé en mettant en avant ces designers.
glad to find your explain about parametric. if it`s possible link me to e reference about new achievement in field of arch to learn .thanks